Friday, October 08, 2010

Survey Says

The 2011 Doughty 500 will be the historic 25th anniversary of the event. Dan is the tour coordinator director and he's looking for input on dates and locations. If you haven't done so yet, please complete the following survey and send it to him at:

Survey for the 2011 500

1. What dates would you prefer?

A. 18-22 July

B. 25-29 July

C. 1- 5 August

2. The following destinations have been suggested. Others are being considered. What is your preference?

A. Ladysmith

B. Tomahawk

C. Siren

D. Other

3. If we go to Ladysmith, would you be in favor of starting on Sunday the 17th of July so we could drive in the Mardi Gras parade?

A. Yes

B. No

Mardi Gras Parade? Hmmm...As long as we can throw beads from the cars I'm down with that. Only to deserving recipients of course.