Monday, September 06, 2004

All Apologies

Sorry for the long wait for an update folks. I've been swamped ever since I got back from The Netherlands and have just gotten a chance to get back at this.

So far I only have a few pictures from this year's 500. I have received a bunch of others from Sean and Brendan, but I need to transfer them to my home PC. Hopefully, I'l have 'em up by the end of the week.

I also updated the Contact Page. But I'm missing a ton of information there. Any updates would be greatly appreciated. You can e-mail them to me at If you want to send pictures to me, direct that e-mail to

I'd also like to get a quotes page up, but I can't seem to recall any of the good ones right now. If you can, please submit them to me with a short explanation providing the background.

Last but not least, if anyone is interested in publishing material for the site, I would love to have the help. There is a very easy to use web publishing interface that I use for the site, and you could be up and running with it in no time. Again, drop me an e-mail if you're interested.

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