The first ever Doughty 500 auction held last Thursday night was a smashing success. Brendan, Karen, and Dixie did a nice job running the show. The items that were donated far exceeded expectations. The auction itself was a lot of fun and we got a taste of the business acumen of the D3 brothers as they bid on just about everything possible (often against each other) driving the prices through the roof. It was good experience for them as they start bidding on government contracts. Halliburton's got nothing on these boys.
Best of all we raised a boatload of money for the web site. $1017 to be exact. I'm going to tuck away $200 of that to cover one year's cost of running the site (web hosting, domain registration, etc.) That leaves a nice sum left over to be put to other uses. Possibilities include:
- Buy t-shirts for everyone on next year's tour
- Buy booze for the happy hours on next year's tour
- Use some of the money to help get a copy of Doug's documentary (work in progress) to everyone
- Use some of the money to redesign the web site
- Bankroll Aidan at a Texas Hold 'Em tournament
Let me know what you think would be a good use for it. For now, I'm going to set up a Doughty 500 savings account and deposit it there.