Only a week to go before the official kick off of the aught-eight Doughty 500. A couple of items of business to attend to quickly:
- The exact date and time of the auction will be determined on Monday night. There will be separate (but equal) auctions for kids and adults. Please bring items appropriate for either or both. While we realize that embarrassing photos of family members are priceless, we encourage you to try to keep the value of items to be auctioned under $15 per.
- We still need a host/hostess for happy hour on Tuesday night. With a pretty pregnant wife (yes, she's both pretty and very pregnant) and two small children in tow this year, I fear that I will not be able to fill in behind the bar (in fact my overall participation in this year's tour will be limited). But if there's one thing the Doughty family knows (perhaps an unfounded assumption) it's how to sling drinks. I'm sure that some upstanding member of clan Doughty will step up to the challenge.
That is all.
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