Tuesday, February 01, 2005

They're Everywhere

What is it with Doughtys and old cars anyways? Tony e-mails:

Sure enjoyed discovering a link this morning to your Doughty 500 website. I had heard about the tour a few years ago,but not in any detail.

By way of introducing myself, my name is Tony Doughty, I live in Walker, MN, have been an antique car hobbyist for a number of years, and the owner of a 1915 T touring for the past two years. The primary interest my wife and I have in the hobby is touring with the old cars. I'm writing you now from Green Valley, AZ where we spend the winter months. We have our T out here with us , and plan to take it over to the HCCA annual meeting and 4-day tour in Yuma next month.

While trying to keep my T as original looking as possible, (it still has it's original upholstery!), I have made a few touring and safety changes in the two years I've owned it including conversion to a distributor, directional signals, a brake light, Rocky Mtn Brakes, safety glass, and a modern but vintage appearing KC Warford transmission. In addition to the HCCA, we belong to the MTFCA and the Tucson Touring T's sub-chapter, as well as the VMCCA and the AACA..

I was particularly interested in noting all the family involvement in the photos on the website of the 2004 trip. Our grandchildren will be 7 and 5 this summer, and just about the age where we want to start bringing them along on a tour or two. I don't think it will work this July, as we already have commitments just before and just after the announced dates for this year(Pierce Arrow meet in Springfield IL and Twin Cities HCCA pre-16 tour in Siren, WI) but perhaps we can get involved down the road.

Thanks for taking the time to set up the website and to read this e-mail. I don't know where all the Doughty's involved in this group came from, but our wing of the family came from Troy, NY (great-grandfather) and Williamstown, MA (grandfather and father).

You can reach Tony via e-mail at: tdoughty@paulbunyan.net

and mail at:

Tony Doughty
7050 Juneberry Trail NW
Walker,MN 56484