Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chickens, Eggs, Drinking, & Driving

Sean e-mails with congratulations:

Congratulations to you and Beth on the birth of Nathaniel. He looks like he will be a great Model T driver! We should have him driving in a year or two and drinking just a few months later. Or is it the other way around?

I am certain that Nathaniel was worth it but you and Beth missed a super Doughty 500 this year. Your brother kept us entertained by loudly (and slurred by the alcohol) proclaiming the way things were and then amending his statements after some counseling from his bride-to-be. Shauna is a super troop to have gone thru with things after first enduring a 500!

Vanessa and I send our best to you and your family (a little slow I recognize but we did get around to it) and look forward to seeing the little guy next year.

Pictures from Sean of the 2005 Doughty 500 are rumored to be on the way.

UPDATE: Jay wishes to offer this brief rebuttal:

...don't forget to add Sean's all-time classic line that he dropped on Audie when she tried to make a point: "Excuse me, the men are talking."

It was a show-stopper.

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