Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Only Constant Is...

A couple of updates from Mike on this year's tour  (changes in red):


BEST WESTERN American Heritage Inn

(715) 635-9770

Ask for the Doughty 500 block when making your reservation. Cost is $98.59 per night (they wanted $99, but Mike craftily negotiated them down).

The block expired yesterday (May 27th) but the hotel still has some rooms left. If you want to attend please call ASAP.


Monday: Happy hour hosted by D3 Air & Space Operations Inc. (drink up-pretty sure this going to be expensed as a tax deduction of some sort)

Tuesday: Happy hour hosted by Hasons (soda & food) & + George Utphal (beer and wine)

Wednesday: Happy hour hosted by Kathryn, Kaitlin, and some of the other cousins (whose names may or may not start with "K")

Thursday: Dinner and auction

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