Sunday, August 19, 2007

In The News

The 2007 Doughty 500 is covered in the Ladysmith News:

The Model T Ford, the car largely responsible for putting America in the automobile age, brings the de-scendants of Herb and Ruth Doughty together every year for a family reunion unlike any others.

The Doughty family brought 18 "Tin Lizzies" to Ladysmith Monday (July 30) and drove them on the "back roads" to various destinations each day, logging over 500 miles by week’s end in the 22nd annual "Doughty 500."

A total of 65 family members and eight friends participated in this year's gathering, headquartered at the AmericInn on College Avenue, the same place the family assem-bled in 1997 for their last reunion in Ladysmith.

"It went very well," said Bernard Doughty, who had the responsibil-ity of organizing this year's event. "We didn’t have any car problems and the people here (at the motel) took good care of us."

Bernard (Excelsior, Minn.); his brothers Hal and Dan (both of Eau Claire), Paul (Haugen) and Brendan (Nekoosa); and his sister, Nathalie Doughty Swienton (Florida) repre-sent the oldest generation participat-ing. Their children now own and/or drive Model T’s. The third genera-tion was represented by a 13-month-old.

The whole piece is definitely work reading. The ending is fitting and appropriate for a small-town paper:

Next year's Doughty 500 is be-ing organized by Paul and Bernice Doughty of Haugen with Cumber-land as headquarters.

The Lord willing, the six surviv-ing Doughty children and their off-spring will gather again for another reunion and adventure down mem-ory lane in their Model T's.

Not something I'd expect to see in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. And that's a good thing.